Dr. MJ Bazos MD, Patient Handout
ADOLESCENCE (13 to 18 years old)

Developing a realistic, stable and positive identity is the major developmental task of adolescence.

Adolescence can be a scary time, full of angst and new emotions. It is also a time when the tremendous amount of energy of young people can contribute to many worthwhile projects. The more parents and teachers can do to engage teenagers, the more likely it is that young people will have a successful transitionhood to adulthood.

What are some of the important issues in the Adolescent Years?

Adolescents who rely on the peer group, rather than the family, for their main support are particularly vulnerable to peer pressure to engage in problem behaviours, such as smoking drinking or drugs.

Loneliness can also be an acute problem among adolescents.

What do adolescents need for healthy development?

What are the challenges in the adolescent years?

What Can Parents Do?
Adolescence Directory On-Line (ADOL): http://education.indiana.edu/cas/adol/adol.html